Saturday, February 20, 2016

The legend of the Kohomba Kankari

The legend of the Kohomba Kankari
  • Kohomba Kankari is the main religious item in the Kandyan dance.

Around 2500 years ago, the land of Lala in North India was ruled by a king named Sinhabahu and his wife, Sinhavalli. They had many children, the eldest of whom was named Vijaya.

Vijaya was an extremely mischievous and wilful young man. His father pardoned him many times for his unlawful acts, but finally the King got tired of his behaviour and put him on a boat with 700 of his companions and sent the boat adrift on the ocean. For many days the boat sailed, before finally reaching Sri Lanka.

The Kuweni hide the Persons of Vijaya when they wont to water for them, at embarked Sri Lanka Vijaya with seven hundred people. Vijaya met Kuweeni, when he wont to find his men. After their conversation with each other , Vijaya married Kuweeni and he became the king of Sri Lanka They have had tow  children called Jeewahaththa and Dissala.

Vijaya, however, was not happy with Kuveni and abandoned her and their two children. He then married a beautiful princess from Madura (India), who had arrived on the island by ship.

Kuveni was killed by the Yakkas for her betrayal, and her two children escaped into the forest. The time at Kuweni's kill she angry with Vijaya.

 After the death at Vijaya prince Panduwasdew became the king at Srilanka. The king Panduwasdew  one day  frightened form nightmare. Then asked form cunning advisers have sed that it wos a punishment of kuweni.

At last god "Shakra" and "Asura" called "Rahu" talk about that how to resolve that problem and they decated  the prince of Malaya should to prepare  a yaaga called "Kohmba  Kankari"

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